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Nevada Arts Council

16 Photographs of the State

Nevada is a state of spectacular geography, unique natural features and poignant history. It is defined by its public lands — national parks and conservation areas, wilderness and wildlife refuges, forests, rangelands, and watersheds — all of which pro- vide diverse benefits to Nevadans and the travelers who visit.

Home Means Nevada, themed around Nevada’s state song of the same title, is a photography exhibit that echoes famous photographs and artwork from the late 1800s and early 1900s that helped spur protections for places like Yellowstone, Yosemite, and the Grand Canyon. Nevada is a place of inspiration for the photographers who find beauty in her rugged geology and starry skies. This show features 15 photographers and highlights some of the unique treasures found on federally managed lands across the state, from bighorns to Burning Man, to the ancient rock art and petroglyphs in the Gold Butte area.

The exhibit artists include: Sam Davis, Cedar City UT; Olin Feuerbacher, Pahrump NV; Peter Goin, Reno NV; Kelly Carroll, Hagatna, GU; Mike Hill, Las Vegas NV; Julian Kilker, Las Vegas NV; Kurt Kuznicki, Reno NV; Bruce Loeffler, Las Vegas NV; Alan O’Neill, Henderson NV; Robert Park, Las Vegas NV; Will Roger Petersen, Gerlach NV; Kimberly Reinhart, Henderson NV; Deon Reynolds, Eureka NV; Sharon K. Schafer, Henderson NV; and Cristian Torres, Las Vegas NV.

Home Means Nevada is based on an exhibition installed on September 26, 2016 in the rotunda of the Senate Russell Building in Washington D.C. The exhibit was organized by the National Parks Conservation Association and curated by University of Nevada Las Vegas professor Sergio “Checko” Salgado with help from wildlife biologist Paula Jacoby-Garrett.

This exhibition is part of the Nevada Arts Council’s Nevada Touring Initiative-Traveling Ex- hibition Program, and is funded by the National Endowment for the Arts and the State of Nevada. The Nevada Arts Council is a division of the Department of Tourism and Cultural Affairs.


Standing Stately: The Ancient Bristlecone Pine, Kelly Carrol, photography, 21 × 36 inches

August 16 –September 30, 2023

Artist Talk & Reception for the Artist
September 30; 5 - 7 pm · Talk Begins at 5:30pm

North Hall Gallery · Oats Park Art Center
151 East Park Street · Fallon, Nev. 89406
Get Directions

For More Information
Call 775-423-1440

Artist’s Website
Nevada Arts Council

Nevada Arts Council National Endowment for the Arts City of Fallon Fallon Convention and Tourism Authority WESTAF

Nevada Humanities Robert Z. Hawkins Foundation Nevada Division of Tourism Lahontan Valley News The Fallon Post Great Basin Brewing Company

Thank You Sponsors & Partners

Churchill Arts Council programs and activities are sponsored, in part, by: an American Rescue Plan Act grant from the National Endowment for the Arts to support general operating expenses in response to the COVID-19 pandemic; the City of Fallon; the Nevada Arts Council; the Fallon Convention & Tourism Authority; TourWest / WESTAF; Nevada Humanities; the Depot Casino / Widmer & Mills, CPAs; Mackedon deBraga Law, P. C.; the Bretzlaff Foundation; the E. L. Cord Foundation; the Robert Z. Hawkins Foundation; Churchill County; the Nevada Commission on Tourism; Speedway Market; Lahontan Valley News; the Fallon Post; CC Communications; and Holiday Inn Express.

The free performances by Blair Crimmins & the Hookers and William Elliot Whitmore are presented in cooperation with the Mayor, City Council, and City of Fallon.

Copyright © 1987–2025 Churchill Arts Council. All rights reserved.